Who do we think we are? Part 2

Who do we think we are? (Technology)

Based on our expertise and market potentials, we focus on four investment areas:  computing, cybersecurity, networking, and data and analytics.  Here’s a short sampler of investments we’ve made in these areas.

It’s been oft repeated that data is the new oil for enterprises.  But if you can’t access your own data, it’s extremely hard to mine it for revenue generation.  SineWave has been investing in areas that increase your ability to ingest, access, and analyze your data.  Databricks is one of our poster children for success, providing a massively scalable data platform supporting collaborative data science for your enterprise.

Cybersecurity touches every aspect of your corporate enterprise capability.  SineWave has invested in a number of areas to address that breadth.  SentinelOne is our AI endpoint security offering that IPO-ed in June of 2021 with revenue expected to hit $1B in 2026.  Operant, identified by Gartner as a future-proofing capability, provides run-time protection for and from applications, ensuring your service offerings won’t be exploited by bad actors.

Networking is so all pervasive these days that most of us rarely think about how connected we are – and how reliant we are on these connections for our every day activities.  But did you know that the latest 5G technology capabilities are mostly unexploited?  For example, user-focused edge data services are largely unimplemented, particularly in heterogenous environments.  Do you want to be that dependent on the “bigs” or would you like to disintermediate to support more and better competition and lower prices for your content services, for example?   Shabodi makes more of what’s there in 5G available to your developers.

Last, but certainly not least, the computation that drives your engine is more critical than ever.  Have you mastered the cloud, or has the cloud mastered you?  Are your customer experiences more secure, more available, AND less expensive?  SineWave believes much work remains to be done.  ReScale aids architectural trades that answer the mail – for security, availability, and affordability.

There’s a whole lot more under the hood, so check out our current listing.  We’ll keep it updated as we discover more industry-changing tech that brings game.

Who do we think we are? (Tradecraft)

The art of the deal means more than financing and exits here at SineWave, although we know we are world class in these areas.  Our special sauce is spotting markets as they emerge, then being there to help shape and source solutions.  We regularly put forward theses regarding the state of technical need or consumption, present data that inform that discussion, then pose a series of tough questions about the market potential and timing.

For example, does energy consumption eventually drive further fracturing of computation beyond CPU/GPU/HPC or ICs/FPGAs?  What kinds of trends are we seeing – or anticipating – to drive down energy requirements, particularly in an era of ever-expanding LLMs?  What does that mean for the future of edge computing and how important will SLMs become?  Who will best source at those edges?

We aren’t just talking about where we are on the hype curve, but what the timelines and essential capabilities are to exit the valley of death and get to the steeply productive upturn.  To take our energy example further, if further fracturing of computation is coming, when?  And does it match or drive our investment goals and timelines?  If near, what companies should we be talking to?  If far, whose research or entrepreneurial behaviors should we be watching?

Some potential tech trends we’ve mulled over recently include AI Observability, Resilient Cyber, and Cognitive Interfaces.  In each conversation, we benefit from our diverse experiences, networks, and backgrounds.  We leave with homework assignments, whether they be very concrete, like identifying emergent companies in a space, or more esoteric, like how might such a business be monetized.  We periodically revisit these conversations as markets change so we can grab the S curves at the right point in their cycle to maximize benefits to our stakeholders.

In a much more competitive capital market, SineWave brings not just technical and business acumen and our broad networks and experiences to our teammates, but the art and craft of catching the new waves as they accelerate and grow.  That feeds our heads – and our hearts.