News & Insights

Wielding Federal Buying Power to Improve Software Assurance

By Patricia Muoio The recent Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (EO) offers the promise of delivering on two important ideas: the substantial buying-power of the federal government is strong enough to influence the products in the marketplace; and we can and should improve the quality of our software. By using its place in...

Venture in the Time of Covid

While the corona virus has caused hardship and sorrow across the country and has presented financial challenges for many companies, it has also given rise to conditions which present a unique opportunity for early stage venture investments.  Revenue numbers that are lower than expected and an increased cautiousness on the part of investors has led...

Here’s How Entrepreneurs Can Ditch Naive, Unrealistic Thinking and Embrace the Real World

Today’s startups have serious problems dealing with their real-world impacts. This is how to stay focused on them. By Yanev Suissa founder and general partner, SineWave Ventures @yanevsuissa You might be tempted to roll your eyes when you hear the words “Silicon Valley” these days. Lots of people are increasingly disillusioned with what was once characterized as the most...